GEM-DIAMOND’s ultimate decision-making body is its’ Supervisory Board (SB), while day-to-day management is carried out by its Project Management Office (PMO), and a 6-headed International Advisory Board (IAB) offers regular assessments of GEM-DIAMOND’s ethics and quality commitments. All partner institutions are represented across these three governance bodies, while fellow representation is guaranteed through the inclusion of both two elected representatives of the 16 GEM-DIAMOND Fellows and two elected representatives of the 50+ GEM Alumni.
The working principals and procedures of the Supervisory Board are set out in section 2 of the Consortium Agreement on “Consortium Structures and Responsibilities” under article 7.4.
The Project Management Office is hosted at the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and is responsible for all project-related reporting to the European Commission. The working principals and procedures of the SB are set out in section 2 of the Consortium Agreement on “Consortium Structures and Responsibilities” under article 7.2.
The working principals and procedures of the International Advisory Board are set out in section 2 of the Consortium Agreement on “Consortium Structures and Responsibilities” under article 7.6.

Supervisory Board Members
Ramona ComanPresident (ULB)
Paula AlmeidaInstitutional Representative (FGV)
Paul BaconInstitutional Representative (WUT)
Luiza BialasiewiczInstitutional Representative (UvA)
Steven BlockmansInstitutional Representative (CEPS)
Philippe BourbeauInstitutional Representative (UL)
Alessia ChiriattiInstitutional Representative (IAI)
Thomas ChristiansenInstitutional Representative (LUISS)
Georges ChristouInstitutional Representative (UoW)
Elena CrespiInstitutional Representative (FIDH)
Seda GurkanInstitutional Representative (ULB)
Kai JacobsenInstitutional Representative (PATRIR)
Mikael MadsenInstitutional Representative (UCPH)
Alexander MattelaerInstitutional Representative (Egmont)
Sergiu MiscoiuInstitutional Representative (UBB)
Louise LangebyInstitutional Representative (GMF)
Nicolas LevratInstitutional Representative (UNIGE)
Antoine VauchezInstitutional Representatives (Paris1)
Anna ZechGEM-DIAMOND Delegate
Vlad MarginasGEM-DIAMOND Delegate
Manfredi ValerianiGEM Alumni Delegates
Giulia TercovichGEM Alumni Delegate
Project Management Office
Frederik PonjaertResearch & Teaching Coordinator
Maria-Isabel Soldevila BreaCommunication Officer
Marta MatrakovaResearch Officer
Maureen CossalterProject Officer