GEM-DIAMOND is the latest iteration of the GEM PhD School which has been delivering double doctoral degrees on Globalisation, Europe, and Multilateralism (GEM) since 2010.
This EU-funded project was launched in October 2022 and will assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels and mounting Normative Dissensus (DIAMOND).
GEM-DIAMOND is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Action - Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) involving 6 European - i.e. ULB, UvA, LUISS, UCPH, UBB, Paris1 - and 5 international – i.e. UoW, UNIGE, UL, WUT, FGV - degree-awarding Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) alongside 6 well-established non-academic institutions – i.e. CEPS, IAI, GMF, PATRIR, FIDH, EGMONT.
The project will hire and train 16 doctoral fellows to help address knowledge gaps associated with the growing dissensus undermining both multilateral and democratic practice. Its' key expected research outputs include:
- Sixteen original doctoral manuscripts
- One edited volume
- One handbook
- Four Special Issues

Overall research program
GEM-DIAMOND’s overall research program will tackle three shared knowledge gaps regarding contemporary strains on liberal democracy:
- Objective 1: Conceptualising the seemingly mounting dissensus surrounding liberal democracy.
- Objective 2: Unpacking the ambiguous role different actors can play as both champions and challengers of liberal democratic norms, values, and practices.
- Objective 3: Assessing the impact of increased dissensus regarding liberal democracy on the policy instruments of the EU and its capacity to act in its internal and external policies.
The 16 MSCA doctoral candidates will unpack the growing dissensus undermining both multilateral and democratic practice.