Publication - What role has in-betweenness played in Turkey and Indonesia’s bilateral relations with the EU and Japan respectively since 2000s?
Working Paper published by Jing-syuan Wong exploring the notion of "in-betweenness" a central concept of her individual research project.

A first original working paper produced by one of the project's MSCA fellows.
As part of her contribution to a research seminar hosted by EUDIPLO - an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network - Jing-syuan Wong authored a working paper on "What role has in-betweenness played in Turkey and Indonesia’s bilateral relations with the EU and Japan respectively since 2000s?"
Some of the issues she raises are: "what has gone wrong with the promotion of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law from the EU towards Turkey? What characterizes the relations between Japan and Indonesia? How do Turkey and Indonesia employ in-betweenness to advance their national interests?"
Ultimately, these puzzles coalesce into the papers central question aking "what role has in-betweenness played in Turkey and Indonesia’s bilateral relations with the EU and Japan respectively since 2000s?"