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Marija Petrovska

GEM-DIAMOND doctoral fellow

ESR 12 – Contesting European border regimes: challenging and remaking EU migration governance

Researching the control and securitization of borders

Host Institutions

Delineating the roles of non-state actors in building legitimacy for and implementing
a transnational border surveillance apparatus in the Balkans


  • Luiza Bialasiewicz
  • Julien Jeandesboz

Research Question(s)

Main Question:
What are the role of non-state actors in EU migration governance

Selected Case Studies

I will look at the role of non-state actors in the Western Balkans
I am a joint PhD candidate in International Relations and European Studies at the University of Amsterdam and Université libre de Bruxelles, under the co-supervision of Luiza Bialasiewicz (UVA) and Julien Jeandesboz (ULB).

Prior to this doctorate, I completed a Master's degree in Journalism at Monash University, in which I received the Faculty of Arts award for the highest academic achievement in the cohort. My MA thesis: ‘Exploring the Evolving Relationship Between Aid Organizations and the Elite Press in the Context of Migration Reporting’, interrogated the central role aid organizations play as news sources and their capacity to define critical issues of mobility and migration.