What Can We Learn from Inflation to FutureproofOurUnion?
25 March 2024 | Back to news list
An op-ed published by Anna Zech for the 60th anniversary of the IEE-ULB

What Can We Learn from Inflation to Futureproof Our Union?
As part of the op-ed series' topical section on “Europe and the economy”, the text by Anna (PhD candidate at the ULB and Paris) explores what lessons can be drawn from Europes fight against inflation.
Further Analysis of Europe and the Economic
According to Anna Zech, (supra)national investment is required to address growing climate and geopolitical risks. To facilitate this, we must critically revisit our understanding of inflation drivers to revive fiscal policy and break a cycle of institutional overburdening in monetary policy.
All this and more is explored in Anna Zech's opinion piece !