Global Europe Heal Thyself, but Make Sure the Cure Isn’t Worse Than the Disease
An op-ed published by Frederik Ponjaert for the 60th anniversary of the IEE-ULB

As part of the op-ed series' topical section on “Europe and the World”, the text by Frederik explores the shifts in the EU's international multilateralist positioning in light of global shifts.
the op-ed seeks to illustrate the complexity of Global Europe: Just as it faces several existential challenges on the international stage, the EU has appeared to some both riven with self-doubt, and unwilling to make the necessary changes to secure its place alongside the other powers of a multipolar world. However, before implementing an ambitious set of taboo-busting reforms of the EU’s foreign policy principals, leaders should carefully consider that in seeking to constitute a sovereign Europe they do not undermine that which has set the EU apart as a multilateral institutional actor, both within and beyond the European continent.